Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The best tuna mixture very tasty and better for the diet

By Magod   Posted at  5:57 PM   1 comment

The best tuna mixture very tasty and better for the diet

Tuna fish that belong to the subfamily blue fin of the mackerel family, and distributed tuna in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and the Indian Ocean. There are eight species of tuna such as albacore and bigeye and with a long tail, and the most popular among them is the albacore. The availability of fresh and canned tuna However, the fresh tuna sales ratio of about one percent in all markets, while the rest is sold canned.

It spreads canned tuna consumption among most people where they are easy to use and quick to prepare, once the disarmament of the enclosure cover can be added to food, whether because they eat alone or add them to pancakes, pasta or rice. It is a high nutritional value and health benefits if eaten in moderation, they are rich Balselinom, niacin, phosphorus, vitamin B6, B12 and omega-3 and also low sodium.

The United States and European Union countries, Japan and most consuming tuna in the world, where Europeans consume about 51% of the total global consumption of tuna and Americans 31%, while the Japanese 6%. The canned tuna is the most popular in the United States immediately after the marine food shrimp. Research confirms that a quarter of consumers of canned tuna in the United States consume once at least weekly.

And varied benefits of tuna are as follows according to the latest Global Research:

1_ maintain cardiovascular health
Tuna is an excellent source of fatty acids and Amiga 3, which proved to her that it supports cardiovascular health and blood can help promote heart health by increasing the concentration of the good (HDL) cholesterol in the body. Experts believe that HDL removes excess cholesterol from the blood, preventing the accumulation of plaque that can clog arteries.

2_ prevent stroke
Tuna can help prevent blood clots and improves blood flow, can help to prevent the risk of stroke. Eating 1-3 servings of tuna per week is enough to reduce your chance of getting a stroke.
Benefits of tuna 4 Educate yourself

3_ control blood pressure
Fresh tuna contain high in potassium and low in sodium, and research may indicate that a diet rich in potassium and low in sodium can help control blood pressure. Fatty acids and omega-3 found in tuna, also play a role in maintaining blood pressure within the normal range.

4_ supports eye health
High levels of omega-3 fatty acids in tuna is also beneficial for eye health because they can help prevent age-related macular degeneration and dry eye.

Here are my favorite tuna salad Khaltta to the diet:

Tray just any favorite type
0.5 Tray Sweet Corn
Hanging precariously senior Black Olives
1 Peppers clip boxes
1 carrot, grated
The two papers lettuce
Two cards red cabbage
Lemon juice
Large spoon of olive oil
Pinch of salt

How to prepare

In a deep pot put the corn and olives and pepper section cubes and chopped carrots, lettuce and chopped cabbage and a pack of tuna after filtered and Nkhalthm with some

Keep lemon juice and salt and workshop hanging the whole oil and added some.

Moved interest

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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Camel meat healthier than red meat

By Magod   Posted at  11:57 PM   17 comments

camel meat

Studies have shown that meat camel has a lot of benefits to health, where a recent study indicated that red meat causes heart disease and cancer because they contain a substance called «New CG», while the revealed comparative study between camel meat and beef, sheep, goats, poultry, outweigh the flesh camel meat on the rest of the validity for those who want to diet or slimming food and because less damage to the heart due to the low percentage of fat in it compared with other red meat.

The flesh of the camel is characterized by that the fibers rough and broad-based and linked to each other to the fabric of dense connective tissue where there is no fat mixed muscles, it also helps in reducing the cholesterol level in the blood, due to the presence of linoleic acid in it, stressing that the food research has proven through numerous experiments that the presence of fatty acids unsaturated camel meat also reduces the risk of various heart diseases, which found that there is a clear correlation between the incidence of these diseases, and increase the intake of saturated fatty acids in the fat of beef and buffalo, sheep and goats.

Also, the proportion of protein in the camel meat amounting to 86 per cent, and the proportion of proteins Alarcho plasma in the flesh of the beauty of the desert range between 6.45 and 6.76 per cent on the basis of wet muscle weight, while fibrous proteins ratio ranging between 11.48 and 11.93 per cent in the muscles of the different sentences while of up in the connective tissue «connective» to about 2.15 per cent and the proportion of total proteins learned of 22.64 per cent on average sentences, which confirms that eating pieces weighing one hundred grams give the body everything it needs from animal protein a day, what exactly is similar to what you can eat eggs and different kinds of cheese.

 But the piece is camel meat or meat footnote of the most meat healthier than beef. The meat footnote of popular food in the Middle East and North Africa, Europe, and Australia, with its resources, which is working to provide appropriate protein for people who want in this type of meat.

Wild camels are fed largely on grasses. Featuring a taste of camel meat as similar to beef in the shape and smell, but richer in iron and vitamin C than beef and mutton alike. The only thing that distinguishes the camel meat he's a bit rubbery.

The health benefits of camel meat
It is the health benefits of camel meat that more red meat for the benefits of beef - a good source of protein and vitamin E. . You can also make use of camel milk, which contains three times more vitamin C than cow's milk and is rich in vitamins B and iron.

Footnote meat contain more protein does not contribute to heart disease. Camel meat is also much better than beef because it contains less fat ratio than all other meats such as beef, lamb, kangaroo.

Still camel meat is eaten in certain areas, including Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, and other arid areas, where one of the alternative forms of protein, works as a major source of iron, vitamin D, salts and minerals. Can also be found on the camel meat is sometimes in the Australian Cuisine: For example, lasagna available in Alice Springs.
A report issued jointly by the Saudi Ministry of Health and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2005 for the details of cases of bubonic plague human caused by eating raw camel liver.

There are the benefits of camel milk
Strong immune system components in camel milk may help fight disease. People who suffer from autoimmune system disorders, such as Crohn's disease and multiple sclerosis, can strengthen Manna device through camel milk, although conventional treatments for autoimmune disorders to suppress the immune system, but that his camel milk are many benefits to these disorders.
Also, low-fat camel milk does not contain vitamins, minerals and health, but also is a rich source of insulin.
It is noteworthy benefits of camel milk for people who suffer from autism.

Studies and Research
US studies have shown that camel meat has many benefits as a producer of meat. It has a low fat content with high nutritional value and has the ability to combat hyper-acidity, high blood pressure, pneumonia and respiratory diseases. Camels and meat products have as meat quality characteristics of the meat and muscle structure and analyzed post-mortem and nutritional value to humans. There is a relatively small component of the global consumption of meat, meat camels exist in Asia, Africa and Latin America and the African Union.
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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Figs for the treatment of ED for kidney stones

By Magod   Posted at  7:14 AM   22 comments

Figs for the treatment of ED for kidney stones

The benefits of figs

Fig fruits that have a delicious smell of different sizes, forms and colors. There are major varieties, a white fig black or red. There are a variety of varieties of figs, such as:

Genoa Black
Adriatic figs
Brown figs

Figs are generally many of the minerals and vitamins such as vitamin A and contain vitamin B1, vitamin B2 also includes a variety of antioxidants, fatty acids and omega.

The health benefits of figs:

Figs oral health:

When you chew fig leaves and gargle with water you can get rid of bad breath and mouth ulcers.
Teen sexual health:

Addresses figs ED. When we fall about 2-3 figs in milk for an entire night and eat in the morning, treats ED.

Figs beneficial overall for Gravel:

When you boil 6 of the figs in a glass of water and taken daily for a month it is to break up kidney stones.

Teen acne treatment:

When mashing fresh figs and put it on the face and leave it to dry for 15 minutes to be effective mask for the treatment of acne.

Figs has anti-aging properties of the disease:

Tin is used as a treatment for diabetes:

Teen contain a high proportion of potassium, which works to reduce insulin. And so when you eat figs with honey hanging help control diabetes. Try to do this for a week you'll see good results.

You can also eat fig leaves for the treatment of diabetes.

Figs beneficial for bone health:

Teen contain a good percentage of calcium and this helps to strengthen bones.

Addresses figs smallpox:

Figs can be a good treatment for smallpox, especially in the initial stages.

Figs helps in weight loss:

Teen contain a high proportion of dietary fiber, which is very useful for weight loss.

Addresses figs sore throat:

When mixing honey with dried figs helps in getting rid of sore throat.

Tin is used in the treatment of constipation:

When you fall about 2-3 of dried figs soaked with a large hanging of honey .and eat for a month help to relieve constipation.

The benefits of figs for skin:

Fig fruit is not just healthy and delicious .bl is contains many needed to take care of your skin .the natural elements helps to retain young ski inner and outer beauty. It has many health benefits for the skin:

Figs rich in important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B, phosphorus, potassium and minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which are essential elements for the renewal of the skin .the health in Figs high content of amino acids and omega-3 and is working to moisturize the skin.
When you place the figs directly on the skin helps to reduce infections such as boils and abscesses. And eliminate pimples.

Teen contain antioxidant dietary fiber elements which act as a natural laxative is excellent for the body. It also helps to flush toxins and prevent the incidence of skin diseases such as acne and psoriasis, which gives skin healthy and glowing.

When you put a paste of figs directly to face their help in the transfer of important nutrients to the skin layers and works on the renewal of the internal skin cells.

When mixing large hanging of milk and figs together to work fine paste and put it on the entire face and gently massage the skin for a few minutes and left for 15 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. If you can not get the fresh figs, use dried figs and soaked the whole night in the water and then adding the previous components.
You can work a natural mask of honey by mixing 1 large hanging of sugar with the hanging of orange juice and 2 large hanging from figs pureed and then add a few drops of olive oil and massage the face and body a week helps in getting the skin smooth and soft. Since the enzymes that are found in figs is working to get rid of dead cells and reduces sugar from the luster of the skin.
Teen contain a high amount of vitamin C, which helps to lighten the skin and when thorough mixing oatmeal with dried figs and ginger powder with the addition of the amount of oil and stir the mixture well and then put it on the skin twice a week to get soft skin.
The figs peeled naturally to the body because contains the enzyme active as a peeled for dead skin cells all you need is a massage the skin Baltin, you'll get a skin without any impurities.
Figs his amazing moisturizing properties because it contains the equivalent of 3/4 cup water. Often it is used moisturizer to restore the suppleness of the skin. And you can put a little fig Ali lip for the treatment of chapped lips. The figs helps to facelifts and excretion of excess Alsbjm.
Benefits figs Hair:
Treated fruits rich in vitamin C, E hair loss and maintain healthy hair problems of health because figs contains nutrients girlfriend hair. Like magnesium, vitamin C and E, which promotes hair growth. These elements stimulate blood circulation in the body, which accelerates the growth of hair.
Teen contain a large amount of calcium, which is working on the formation of collagen, which helps the hair and scalp growth we have.
Figs of known elements that are used in interesting hair healthy .uestkhaddm industry balm Alhar.hat Amal Ali moisturize the scalp.
Figs oil ideal cure for hair curly and coarse., When you add 10 drops of figs oil on your hair and massage throughout the hair is well done and leave it for one hour and you can mix figs oil with your balsamic help in getting smooth hair texture .oturk figs oil on the hair for 7 minutes and then wash it off thoroughly with water.
There in fig copper is a good element to keep the hair color is a wonderful treat for those who suffer from the graying hair. In short, regular consumption of Tin help in getting the skin and healthy hair.

Selection and storage of figs:

Fresh figs are available annually from June to November, while dried figs are available throughout the year. They should leave the figs until cooked completely. At the Teen Choice must be free of bruises and scratches and the pocket should not be mushy. the fig is delicious fruit and rich with a sweet smell. The stench figs be fermented. He also shied away from green figs can cause ulcers in the mouth.

Fresh figs not have a long shelf life because it is very sensitive. So you must put figs in a plastic bag and wrapped well so as not to dry. It should keep fresh figs at room temperature and slightly away from the sun and leave until completely cooked .and consumed within 3 or 4 days and store in the refrigerator.

And dried figs can remain in the refrigerator for months either in the refrigerator or in a cool place and is available in canned and can keep it for a period of 6 months and must be addressed within a week from the date open.
Care must be taken when eating figs, not eating large amounts of it so as not to cause allergic reactions are usually diarrhea or vomiting, or even itchy skin and can cause severe sensitivity around the mouth and lips, which can easily spread all over the body.

The use of figs:

Figs seasonal delicious fruit. It can be eaten either fresh or dried. Figs fresh nutritious than powdered. So try to include in your diet figs. And before eating figs Wash well and remove the stem and can eat the whole or peel.

Add fresh figs to the authorities or cakes and ice cream can be worked fig juice. Although the highly alkaline figs but delicious.

Dried figs contain the high proportion of sugar more than fresh figs. So you can add it to desserts. It uses figs in making cakes baked goods, jams, dried figs can be added to juices. Fig paste is also used as a substitute for sugar.

Some important tips:

Wash figs well and gently.
Use fresh figs to get the best results.
You can cut with a knife so as not to stick.
Avoid buying soft figs.
If you prefer dealt with dried figs soaked in water for a whole night.
Store figs in a bag and place it in the refrigerator
Eating figs regularly so you get the best results.
Frequent eating figs cause tooth decay and diarrhea.

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Cherry helps to reduce weight Dieting

By Magod   Posted at  7:01 AM   5 comments
Cherry helps to reduce weight Dieting

Benefits of Cherry 11, the reason for eating, including pain relief and weight loss

Cherry is intended to flesh it belongs to the family of shifts which both of apricots, almonds and plums and plum family. Cherry is grown in many parts of the world, but most of the cherry producer in the United States there are two main types of cherries: sweet cherries and sour cherries. Sweet varieties tend to be larger and more popular than sour cherries.

Cherry delicious and very healthy fruit which is rich in many nutrients, including beta-carotene, vitamin A, C, E, and B vitamins, as well as copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. It is also rich in antioxidants and flavonoids melatonin, which helps in maintaining the health of the body, fight inflammation and slows the effects of aging. Here are some of the health benefits of cherries. The most important benefits of cherries for your health

1. Cancer Prevention:

Cherries contain a rich amount of antioxidants such as queritin, perillyl and ellagic acid, which helps protect the body's cells from free radicals caused by different types of cancers.

2. control blood pressure:
Cherry is an excellent source of potassium can help regulate blood pressure by getting rid of excess sodium in the body.

3. Keep a healthy heart:
University of Michigan study found that diets including cherries may lead to a lower risk of heart disease by reducing the body fat and cholesterol levels and chronic inflammation. The researchers concluded that Cherry could be used to reduce the risk of heart disease and blood vessels due to the anti-inflammatory properties of anthocyanins and Alsaanaedin.

4. reduce inflammation:
Antioxidants found in cherries may also help reduce inflammation of the body and the elimination of migraine headaches.

5. Improve Memory:
Cherry is a good source of anthocyanins, which can help enhance memory and enhance cognitive function.

6. Prevent Alzheimer's Disease:
Cherry has proven to be beneficial to health cognitive, cherry and eat regularly may help prevent the emergence of many brain disorders including Alzheimer's disease.

7. maintain a healthy sleep pattern:
Cherries contain melatonin, a natural hormone that helps regulate sleep inside our bodies as well as support the immune system in the body.

8. help you lose weight:
Cherry contains a high amount of water and low in calories, which can give a feeling of satiety for a longer period. Also, cherries contain soluble fiber, which can help reduce the fat from the abdomen and blood cholesterol levels by slowing the absorption into the blood.

9. helps digestion:
Fiber in cherries helps to prevent constipation and ease bowel movement.

10. relieve arthritis and gout:
For those who suffer from arthritis and gout, drinking cherry juice may help to reduce uric acid levels in the blood and reduce gout pain. According to research done by the Human Nutrition Research Center at the University of California, women who ate 280 grams of cherry has been cut 15 percent in the levels of uric acid.

11. ease the pain:
Cherry helps to reduce muscle pain and joint pain. Several studies have revealed that anthocyanidins in Cherry able to block pain signals, making it eases pain by a large margin. When buying cherries, look for those that are deep and dark color, they contain more antioxidants.

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Plum and 24 benefit

By Magod   Posted at  5:31 AM   1 comment
Plum and 24 benefit

benefits for health benefit for each 24 parts of the body

Plum is a wonderful and delicious fruit belongs to the family of peach. It is scattered all over the world fruit such as China and the United States, Japan and Europe and plum differ in shape, size and color depending on the region where you are planted often resides in May and Stmbr. It weighs about plum fruit per 50 grams and a length of between 5-6 cm .you can use the core of plum juice in a wonderful work .also  color the core of plum varies by yellow there, Scarlet, light blue, light green. The plum skin may be red, purple, Black, Green and grows about 12 kind of plum worldwide.

Plum Benefits

Nutritional value in plum:

Plum has a very low percentage of saturated fat and cholesterol and sodium. It is also a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K. Fresh plum fruit contains very low percentage of calories per 100 grams plum contains 46 calories and not contain saturated fat. They contain vitamins, minerals and compounds such as sorbitol and Aizzatin and minerals such as potassium, fluorine, iron , moderate amounts, such as niacin, pantothenic acid, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Plum benefits for every body:

The health benefits of plum:

Plum Ali works to get rid of harmful free radicals raised and thus protects against various health problems such as asthma, arthritis, stroke, heart, blood vessels .otaml antioxidants in this fruit protect against the effects of aging and improve memory.

1. Digestive health:

Plum contain compounds were sorbitol, and Aizzatin help in organizing the work of the digestive tract. As the fiber found in plum organized a bowel movement and get rid of constipation.

2. Immune System Health:

Vitamin C works found in plum on improving the health of the immune system and increase the body's ability to resist infectious diseases and resistance to infections and viruses because it protects against the impact of free radicals on the body.

3. Eye Health:

Plum helps to improve vision and to maintain the mucous membranes and skin healthy. It also protects from the oxidation of cholesterol in the blood infection.

4. resistant cancer:

There are many studies that have linked eating plum protects against cancer, especially breast cancer, digestive and respiratory cancer. Which contains a substance anthocyanin, which gives a reddish blue plum color, protecting the body from the impact of free radicals. It is also known that vitamin A found in plum help protect against cancer of the oral cavity. Plum prevents cancer cell growth in breast and maintaining other healthy cells.

5. Heart Health:

Plum helps in maintaining heart health because it contains antioxidants that are resistant to the effect of free radicals and prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, which may pose a threat to the health of the blood vessels and eventually lead to many heart disease, including stroke, high blood cholesterol. Plums contain potassium, one of the most important elements that help regulate heart rate and blood pressure. As prevent injury to blood clotting that occurs in the blood and arteries, which protects the body from coronary heart disease, a healthy level of blood pressure.

6. low level of cholesterol in the blood:

Plum helps reduce harmful cholesterol levels in the blood because it contains soluble fiber. It works to absorb bile and fat digestion.

7. treatment of macular degeneration:

When you eat about 3 of the fruits of plum a day helps reduce the risk of macular degradation. You can add about 3 plum fruits in the morning or to power dishes.

8. absorption of iron in the body:

Plum has the ability to absorb iron because it contains a good proportion of vitamin c. The iron works on the formation of red blood cells and improve blood circulation and prevent anemia.

9. detox:

Plum rich in fiber and antioxidant substances that help the body get rid of toxins through proper treatment of constipation and digestion by improving the body's metabolism process. It also contains citric acid, which helps prevent fatigue and cramps also improves the liver and digestive health.

Therefore, the plum is also useful in weight loss and you can include it in your diet while following the diet.

9. useful for patients with diabetes:

Plum contain the adverse effects of excess sugar in the blood and resistance to diabetes. Studies have shown that the plum is to reduce the levels of blood sugar and triglyceride levels. Where it works flavonoids insulin resistance and enhancing insulin sensitivity.

10. Osteoporosis:

When eating dried plum or fresh helps maintain bone health. The flavonoids found in plum help discourage deterioration of bone tissue and prevention of osteoporosis in women after menopause. Where works with potassium polyphenols found in plum on bone formation and enhances bone density. Studies have shown that regular consumption of plum helps improve bone, which may deteriorate due to old age density.

11. nervous system health:

Peaches contain vitamin B6, which helps in the transmission of nerve signals and improve the work of Alasba.ooadha device works on the natural growth of the brain and improves mood and influence of hormones. And the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, and plays an important role in improving sleep, appetite.

12. cells Health:

Peach iron and copper contain two of the Aldharoah elements for the formation of red blood cells and purify the blood and circulatory system. Copper Kamadadh antioxidant and detox and healthy nerves works where the formation of collagen.

13. Reduce stress:

Regular consumption of plum works to reduce anxiety. Has studies have shown that antioxidants in peach increase relaxation.

14. treat the flu:

Plum protects against infection by the influenza virus. Studies have shown that the plum juice concentrate prevent infections that lead to the flu.

15. Pregnant Health:

Plum useful fruits during pregnancy because it contains an abundant amount of vitamins and minerals are useful ingredients for eye health, finance bones, the health of the cells of pregnant women. As the fiber found in plums helps in the treatment of constipation.

Plum benefits for the skin:

16. protection from the impact of free radicals on the skin:

Plum vitamin E, beta contain carotene, antioxidants, fatty acids and all of these elements working to resist the impact of free radicals and fight the signs of aging that appear on the skin early, such as wrinkles and lines of white. As the plum contains a high amount of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which increases blood circulation and improve metabolism. And thus it protects the skin from acne.

17. radiant complexion:

Plum Ali works to renew facial cells and appearing generally always brilliant. And often it leads to a lack of collagen pale skin and pale appearance. But the plum contains vitamin C, one of the necessary elements for the production of collagen, which works to regenerate skin cells and reduce the impact of free radicals and prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face.

18. reduce the appearance of scars:

Plum helps in reducing the appearance of scars where he works to increase blood flow to reduce the appearance of scars and scars that distort the shape of the skin.

19. The sun protection:

Plum to contain a high amount of antioxidants that protect against the effect of the sun's harmful rays and the renewal of skin cells and encourage new cell growth.

20. healing wounds:

Plum help in replacing damaged tissues and wounds heal faster which improves skin elasticity and treatment to reduce dark spots that appear on the face and freckles, which works to give the skin a more youthful and healthy.

Benefits plum hair:

Albrooqouk help in maintaining the hair follicles and the protection of cells and pores and promote hair growth:

21. the healthy growth of hair:

This is because antioxidants are resistant to the effect of harmful free radicals, which may give the fragile and weak hair. Vitamin E is found in plum strengthen cells and prevent the impact of harmful free radicals from attacking the hair follicles. Thus when the regularity eating plum helps in getting strong and healthy hair.

22. get rid of dandruff:

Plum can help you to get rid of dandruff. This is because the clogged hair follicles because the crust hurts pores and impedes hair growth well. The plum works to fight bacteria that are found in the scalp and hair to get rid of the fragile Parties and encourage the growth of new hair.

23. prevent hair loss:

Encourages plum to increase hair growth and stop the precipitation which leads to healthy levels of hormones.

24. Damaged hair treatment:

Plum iron, which improves blood circulation and get to contain stronger and longer hair. And thus it protects the damaged hair and improves its shape and anti-baldness in men.

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Chilli full report benefits

By Magod   Posted at  4:10 AM   No comments

Chilli full report benefits

Chilli,  Red peppers There are many types of pepper, chilli and several colors and several sizes SQ red, green, yellow, orange and it is very hot and it medium small size large in size with a medium thermal power from him and from the colorless heat or cold pepper, Shatta small and there is severe heat and permeability Size cultivated in Japan and sold in Britain, called the activities Capsicums and there is a large-sized green or red pepper, a colorless or average temperature and permeability and looks like a tomato. And to grow in most regions of the world and is one of the vegetables, historically considered a chili or chilli comes from America in 1494 and was known by the doctor Hansa Chanca and this doctor accompanying the trip Columbus when he discovered America, and enter the plant for the activities to India later by Portoks. I knew chilli and called Ginnie pepper in Britain in 1597 and planted by Gerard Gerarde African activities and there is a funnel-shaped length of 25-12 mm and 7 mm width and produced in Zambia and Zanzibar amounts of hot peppers and pungent and with attractive colors.

The chemical is acrid and related to the pungent taste and cayenne and has a prick (taste) tart is phenol and called Capsicum and also contains a compound 6,7-dihydrocpsaicin This article spicy as chilli type of increase vary many multiple of chilli shapes and there is where the up volume of 1.5% and this as well as the ratio to vary the age of chilli and weather where grown chilli or red pepper. The article Ahariqh and pungent Capsicum does not go away by cooking or by adding a base or alkaline material, chilli ascorbic acid have increased by 0.1-0.5% and substance thiamine and Kartinoad red and fixed oils (4-16%), red pepper or Tabasco pepper or chili consists of Alcabsesen and Didrukabsesen and Torkabsesen and Hmodahadukabsesen and Kabsrobin beta carotene and steroid Jabotin (Kabsasidin) and pepper chilli used as a spice and is used to treat indigestion and satiety and impaired digestion, red pepper, anti-irritation where made on the form of a cream or ointment or in the form of patches to remove and treat rheumatism and used red pepper for the treatment of lumbar by lower back pain (Allpaju ), red pepper or chilli used to treat migraine headaches and is used to treat nerve-related bladder when it is not doing its job. And red pepper in a tonic, anti-infectious and intestinal cramps and disinfectant for the intestines and red peppers used in most herbal remedies and used red pepper activated peripheral blood circulation which is taken by mouth. Red pepper softens and calms digestive problems and cramps and can be used gargling throat antiseptic throat and can be used red pepper to treat muscle stiffness and pain as well as muscle treatment and pain for all the different parts of the body, red pepper used as an antibiotic to eliminate harmful bacteria and is used as a regulator of body temperature. Red pepper is used as a painkiller topically red peppers used in cooking benefactor of the taste, smell and savory red pepper and green non-toxic and non-harmful in medium quantities and must use cayenne pepper cautiously and carefully because severe damage to some of the people who did not get used to eating.

Pepper to professionals herbs is defined as a safe and an alarm and the best cleanser or purifier and Brightening tissue and increases blood flow in the body. Therefore it produces warmth and equation of the circulatory system in the body. Red pepper alarm barrier and accelerator operations oxygen within the cell. Red pepper or chili antiseptic and antispasmodic which reduces pain and remove it. Red pepper repelling gas from the digestive tract, red pepper counter to the work of Albroostqlandin a pain reliever. Red pepper is good for people who suffer from poor circulation. Red pepper or green treats people who suffer from a cooler body. Red pepper alarm glands Aladreynal and producing cortisone. Shatta and red or green many benefits, such as beneficial for people suffering from poor digestion and handling flatus harmful gases in the digestive tract and treats weakness and depression of the nervous system and sexual tonic for the device. Red pepper increases the secretion of intestinal and therefore tonic and appetizing and quantity that we need the price of a spoon Shahi (very small amount) of very small red chilli powder or chilli Alboudrh.kamih on the dining table added to the meal eating it helps digestion and improves circulation. When you take a summary of red chilli and add water to mitigate and use of this diluted of red chilli to strengthening and revitalizing drinks and soup, medicinal herbs and can benefit these extenuating chilli when added to food in the treatment of cooler parties and lips and weak activity heartbeat, and can be used to recap red chili or green widely used externally paint stimulus session blood and topically antiseptic and paint can be used for waging Mschena (heated) to the skin and can be used red chilli with creams or lotions to treat rheumatism and joint pain, back pain and nerves.

Some of the hot burner
Side effects:
The activities reactionary effects after eating (eating) harmless in some people, a burning sensation and pain at the nose, sneezing, bloody discharge from the nose, may cause red pepper and chili ill trachea, red pepper may cause coughing.

Pepper may cause spasms of the eyelid Hrkana in the eye when rubbed tears and pain and eye redness, irritation of the skin and stomach problems.

You should not use red pepper or chili with a discount for blood pressure medication, you should not use red pepper or chili with drugs that cause depression drugs such as Almahbth MAO

There are important points should not be overlooked:
You should not use or use of red pepper or green chili or if the person has a sensitivity to it.
You should not use red or green peppers or chili for pregnant women because it can cause uterine stimulation and dropping the fetus.
People who use hot sauce or red pepper Kharija and topically They should know that the healing and get the desired result after about a month and is used once every 6 hours has no cure month ago Vetoagafon to use it before the final result.
When using red pepper or red pepper powder to touch you should not touch the eye or rubbed, as well as not to touch the mucous membranes and should not be touching the skin or open Elmejrouh. If you got this place should be washed several times in cold water.
Usually red or green peppercorns may cause problems for the stomach should be removed and thrown out by the use of red pepper or chili.

There is no real proof that chilli or red pepper causes wounds or tear the nerves.

We should know that there are red or green pepper or chilli and this type differs from black pepper or white pepper.

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Do not leave the avocado anymore

By Magod   Posted at  3:47 AM   No comments

Do not leave the avocado anymore

The health benefits of avocado 15 utility can not do without them

Health Benefits of Avocados

Avocado or also called Alperseh or pear alligator, and avocado plant belongs to the family Algarriet Among these species is a plant eucalyptus, cinnamon, bay laurel, and avocados are the fruit of Mexican origin, which is derived avocados name from the Nahuatl (Azetk) 'ahuacatl' This means testicle because of the shape of the fruit avocado.

The fruit of the avocado are very popular in vegetarian cooking, as a substitute for meat in the sandwiches and the authorities because they are high in fat, they are essential in vegetarian dishes, famous for the fruit of the avocado in California to use in chicken dishes.

In some countries, such as Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Brazil, and are often used for avocado milkshakes, and added in some cases to ice cream and other desserts. It consists candy syrup with milk, sugar and crushed ice. Sometimes chocolate syrup added.

Regardless, it is also the avocado is one of the healthiest foods on the planet as they contain more than 25 essential nutrients, including vitamin A, B, C, E, K, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. Avocados also contain fiber, protein, and many of the beneficial phytochemicals such as beta-sitosterol, glutathione and lutein, which may protect against various diseases.

Moreover, the avocado is one of the high fruit calories because they contain a high percentage of fat, nearly 20 times the average of other other fruits Although avocados are high in fat content, but it is mostly monounsaturated fats, which are a variety of healthy fats.

Through healthy food blog we will show you 15 health benefits of avocados:

1. Keep a healthy heart

Avocado contains vitamin B6 and folic acid, which helps regulate homocysteine ​​levels. And the associated high level of the amino acid with an increased risk of heart disease. Avocado also contains vitamin E, glutathione, and monounsaturated fat, which helps in maintaining a healthy heart.

2. reduce cholesterol levels

Avocado rich in a compound called beta-sitosterol which has been shown to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. According to a study conducted on patients who suffer from high light-cholesterol, which included avocados in their diet for 7 days drop 17% in total cholesterol levels in the blood, and a decrease of 22% in each of the LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglyceride levels, and increased 11% the levels of HDL (good cholesterol).

3. control blood pressure

Avocados are also a great source of potassium, which helps control blood pressure levels.

4. contains anti-inflammatory properties

It was found nutritious material from a compound found in avocados, such as polyphenols and flavonoids that have anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces the risk of inflammatory and degenerative disorders.

5. promote eye health

Avocado is an excellent source of beta carotene substance aorta, which is known to help protect against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

6. regulate blood sugar levels

Can fat mono unsaturated avocados in the works to reverse insulin resistance, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. Avocado also contains soluble fiber, which remain stable blood sugar levels.

7. prevent birth defects

Avocado is rich in folic acid, vitamin B, known commonly Baraf as folic acid. One cup of avocado provides about 23% of the recommended amount of folic acid daily value. High amount of folic acid in avocados essential for pregnant women in the prevention of birth defects, such as neural tube defect and spina bifida.

8. reduces the risk of strokes

High levels of folic acid in avocados may also protect against stroke. The study showed that people who ate a diet rich in folic acid have less than a stroke than those who did not do so risks.

9. Protect against cancer

Many studies have shown that avocado can inhibit the growth of prostate cancer. Oleic acid in avocados are also effective in the prevention of breast cancer.

10. fight free radicals

Avocados contain glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals in the body.

11. contains anti-aging properties

Being rich in antioxidants, the avocado is useful in the prevention of the symptoms of aging. Glutathione in avocado may boost the immune system, slows the aging process, which promotes the integrity of the nervous system.

12. treating halitosis

Avocado is one of the best natural mouthwashes a solution to bad breath. Avocados and also cleanses the intestine, which is the real reason for the dryness of the tongue, and halitosis.

13. increase the absorption of nutrients

Eating avocados associated with increased absorption of nutrients. It suggests Aldrashtnol avocados in salads, they absorbed five times the amount of carotenoids (a group of nutrients that includes beta-carotene and lycopene) than those who did not include the avocado.

14. Skin Care

Avocado oil is added in many cosmetics because of their ability to nourish the skin and make the skin glow. It also helps in the treatment of psoriasis, a skin disease that causes redness and irritation of the skin.

15. Overweight

Avocados contain up to 200 calories per 100 grams. Other fruits typically contain approximately 60-80 calories for 100 grams. Due to the high amounts of calories, avocado is the best diet for people who want to gain weight. Avocado is a healthy source of calories, and unlike many of the other foods rich in calories, which may contain saturated fat and excess sugar.

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